IIID Foundation by SEINT Beauty

At SEINT we lift and support each other. Being apart of our company you instantly have a group of amazing women who have your back and are cheering you on! We believe in each other always, but witnessing when other women believe and love themselves is the best part!
Everything we do and everything we create is based on what we believe in. That helping others look beautiful is nice, but helping them believe they are beautiful is life changing. Happiness, positivity, and belief is contagious. We are leading women to believe in their worth!
SEINT products are innovative and simple. Eliminating the need for layers upon layers of makeup! Our refillable palette system eliminates any colors you don’t need, allows you to refill shade by shade, when you need it!
Always free shipping & your own personal makeup artist!

Mission Statement
Beauty connects us.
It transcends time and knows no boundaries.
Seeking, experiencing, and cultivating beauty in ourselves and the world around us is a sacred work.
And that work—our work—is beautiful.
We see beauty in every face.
Our mission is to preserve and nurture it.
Everything we do and everything we create is based on what we believe in:
That beauty matters.
That helping others look beautiful is nice,
But helping them believe they are beautiful is life changing.
Beauty is not our creation;
Beauty is our passion.